Non Stop Youth Futsal
Spotsy Premier incorporates year round futsal in all of our Academy programs. As an affiliate of US Youth Futsal, via Central Virginia Futsal, we strongly support futsal for player development throughout the year, and not just as a seasonal option. Futsal is the only indoor soccer endorsed by FIFA, and has been instrumental in many of the game's greats.
What is Futsal
•Futsal is the small sided 5v5 indoor game equivalent of soccer approved by FIFA and the USSF.
•No Walls, no rebounds, or“wall based” skills that are not part of the game. Safer, no slide tackling or shoulder charges.
•Futsal uses a reduced bounce ball on a small court with borders, which promotes quality touch, technical and skill development. Eliminates “kick and run” soccer.
•Futsal teaches and reinforces outdoor skills. Futsal compresses essential skills into a small box, it puts players into the “deep practice zone” on the edge of their comfort zone, making and correcting errors, constantly generating solutions to challenges.
•Players touch the ball 600%more and learn far faster, without realizing it, than in the vast expanse of the outdoor game.